More than 90% of your thoughts are rooted in fear—even if you aren’t aware of it. Understanding this can help you live a happier, more successful life.
When I first heard Naval Ravikant claim that 90% of our thoughts are driven by fear, I hesitated. But as I reflected, I recognized the truth in his words.
Throughout the day, many of our thoughts hide behind complicated emotions. We dress them up with excuses and interpretations. Yet deep down, fear is at their core. Are we truly free from fear? Not really.
Consider these common examples of fear-based thoughts:
- “Does this shirt look good on me?”
- “I can’t quit my job because the money is too good.”
- “If only I had person X’s skills, I could start a company.”
- “What should I say? How can I express myself?”
- “I just don’t have the discipline to succeed.”
Each of these thoughts has fear at its root. Recognizing that makes it easier to challenge them. Good decisions and actions are never born of fear. When a thought arises, ask yourself: Is fear behind it? Understanding why you feel fear can rob it of its power over you.
Learn to release fear-based thoughts. They will come, but you can choose to let them go.